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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Special Interview With reigning Nigerian Female National Chess Champion Omolabake Coker

Interview with  Omolabake Coker , She is the reigning Female National Chess Champion , She won the 2013  Nigerian Breweries Chess championship to become the Female National Champion , she retained her title  by winning the 2014 edition of the Championship making her the first female chess player to win the title back to back. she was a member of Team Nigeria to  2014 World  chess Olympiads in Tromso Norway representing Nigeria in the Female section of the Tournament (The world Chess Olympiads is the 4th Largest sporting event in the World).

Labake  with Garry Kasparov (Chess Legend)
AKINOV -Who would want to dedicate  your national champion  title to?
LABAKE- I would like to dedicate my title to my family(dad, mom and siblings)

AKINOV - Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?
My answer to this will depend on what your interests are
 AKINOV -Prior to becoming National champion  2014 you represented the country as a member of team Nigeria at the world chess Olympiads, would you like to comment on your performance and team performance as a whole?
LABAKE- Sadly, I am not proud of my performance at the Olympiad, you know that feeling when you wish you had a second chance but it just can't be given. My teammates did really well, and I stuck out like a sore thumb in the pack. Was quite embarrassing and disappointing for me. But the experience was interesting for me
AKINOV - Do you think FIDE rating should be used as the selection modalities for  invitation into team Nigeria as against the staging of trials ?
LABAKE- I'm guessing the reason why this move is being proposed at this time is to curb deals. IMO however, the 2 methods can be combined. That is, stage a trials for a number of highest rated players, depending on the discretion of the sponsors/organisers/ncf. The problem with this however, as it relates to female category is that we don't have many rated players. It's difficult to argue this objectively anyway, cos if I was among the highest rated, I may have said "oh, it's a good idea to use fide rating"...LOL..., but for those of us not among the highest rated, who have been active, and going as far as winning at competitions and yet get knocked out because of low ratings, I daresay it's not a favorable proposal
Labake with Chess Grand Master  Sriram, Jha
AKINOV - You won this same Title at the 2013 NBL as the Female National Chess champion, how does it feel to clear all doubts pertaining to your ‘chessing’ ability by defending the title and retaining it this year 2014? 
LABAKE-I won't lie, I surprised myself. The truth is that I did not attend either of these competitions to win them. I did not think I could win in 2013, and I did not have enough confidence in myself to win the 2014 edition either considering my performance at the Olympiad. I got back my confidence, and I understood my style even better. As much as winning is a sweet part of chess, the sweetest part is in enjoying the game/match itself. Win or lose, you are able to pat yourself in the back and say "I tried"
AKINOV- What do you think about the new format of having the Ladies Category and the Amateur category play in the same section of the competition as against the old format; which format do you prefer?
LABAKE- Hahaha! I know the ladies will call me out for this. I actually prefer this new style. It's more fun for me to play against the guys than the ladies. There is more to gain from this style than the old "female chess" style. And if there is a way to graduate anyone who wins in the amateur section, be it male or female, to the opens section, I am very open to such an idea.
AKINOV- Which  of the two formats is tougher in your opinion?
LABAKE-The old format was tougher. In the 2 editions where we had this new format, I played my last rounds on board 1. Somehow, playing on that board in the last round as a female is like a guarantee that I will win the trophy, cos regardless of what happens to those behind me, I'm still good to go. But in the old format, someone from board 3 in the last round could still win the trophy if care is not taken. Just half a point could decide your fate negatively. Lol
AKINOV- What goes through your mind when you are paired against a male player?
LABAKEWell, it depends on the individual involved. I play against some like okay, you want to beat me, but i'll give you a run for your money. And for some I just say "duh", doesn't matter what happens. And for some, I actually want to go all out.
AKINOV- I noticed Nigerian Ladies rarely resigns on the board , even when the position is hopeless, why is  this so? 
LABAKE-I guess the whole idea is that "if I was able to blunder to get into this position, so can you". Then again, if you have played some kind of "female chess", you will understand that it's never over till it's over. You need to see some blunders and not counter-play o
AKINOV- The question of match- fixing/dealing could arise from the new format between females  who still got a chance of winning the Ladies prize and Male players who are out of prize range in the Amateur category?
LABAKE-Well, it's been argued, and it's been reported.
AKINOV- How can  dealings/ match fixing in this regard be curbed? 
LABAKE-Some suggest that final round matches be strictly female against female. If that will work is subject to experiment. But I bet it will be a case of "cunny man die, cunny man bury am". Discipline has to be instilled at the individual levels, particularly among the upcoming generation. It's a shame that some of them are already being introduced to this dirty culture.
AKINOV-In my opinion Female chess in Nigeria  should have gone beyond the present  state , we need one or two polgars who  Can compete in Opens 1 and masters categories and even pick prizes in the masters?
LABAKE-I completely agree with you. Tobi, Rosemary, Racheal, and myself have already set foot in that path. It's quite difficult to compete with these guys given their experience and the psychological imbalance, but it's just a matter of time before they will have to sit up whenever "LABAKE COKER" surfaces...lmao...
AKINOV-How feasible is the possibility of having Female players rated above 2100 ELO in Nigeria and how do you think this can be achieved? 
LABAKE-We used to have Lola Alabi who has a 2050 rating and would have gone ahead to surpass 2100 if she had stayed active. It's very possible. More fide rated tournaments, more attention to the young folks, more discipline, more female involvement in chess decisions. We can make it
Labake with Chess Coach ( Ogun state)
AKINOV-What ELO rating are you targeting at the moment?
LABAKE-My rating at the moment is still very low, so it's hard to set a target for now. As soon as it picks up to an acceptable minimum of 1800, I will then set a target. Hopefully by next year
AKINOV-Having won the Female prize twice in a role do you have any plans of moving up the ladder by playing in Opens 1 at the NBL championships in future tournaments and perhaps play one day play in the NBL masters ?
LABAKE-This is exactly my plan. Progress is necessary
AKINOV-As a upcoming player who was your chess idol/mentor? In Nigeria and also generally?
LABAKE-Little bee  (That is FM Adebayo Adegboyega )
AKINOV- Who had the greatest impact on your chess development?
LABAKE-Diran Ogungbola
AKINOV - What about your most memorable chess moments?
Labake in a friendly Blitz game with GM  Sriram, Jha
AKINOV-How do you prepare for chess tournaments (Choice of opening/
LABAKE-I follow my intuition on the board. But generally look through openings before a game just not to be too surprised
AKINOV-How often do you practice chess/train?
LABAKE- As often as possible
AKINOV- Do you play Blitz, if yes how often and how good at you at blitz? Yes I play blitz, but not often. I'm not very good in blitz cos I forget myself a lot and try too much to hold positions. 
- what effects does blitz have on your chess?
LABAKE-Basically, I can practice openings with blitz
AKINOV-How often do you analyze your own games?
LABAKE-Most often
AKINOV-How many moves can you calculate ahead? 
LABAKEThat's a secret
AKINOV- If you are to mention  your most memorable game you have played in tournament which would that be?
LABAKE-Hmmmm... there's been too many

AKINOV-What is your favourite leisure activities, aside chess? 
Labake with Chess Team mate Mandy Tega-soyoye
AKINOV -The marketing marketing potential of  Nigerian chess players is grossly underestimated  what do you think should be done to make corporate bodies realize that chess is a fertile ground for sponsorship and endorsement as it would also  greatly benefit the companies in return?
LABAKE- We start with internal sponsorship which is already in place. I mentioned to a friend once that it would be really helpful if NBL could show chess on their bill-boards, and make it a bogus thing, not just hide us behind corporate responsibility. Something u have done for 35 years is already a part of you, so why can't they display chess like something to be proud of. This will give momentum and make it easy to sell chess to other corporate bodies. And if  NBL won't expose us, then we have to find ways to do it ourselves
AKINOV-Role of the Nigerian Chess federation? 
LABAKE-To be candid, it's not clear to me
AKINOV- What do you think about the proposed annual 4,000 naira licensing fees with a permanent  ID card and many other benefits according to NCF?
LABAKE-I want to know first of all what those many other benefits are. That amount is just ridiculous to me, sorry to say. For what? 4000 annually??? I'm still wondering how they managed to convince the CPAN excos to agree to that. Anyway, I don't like to criticize ideas till I hear the logic behind it. I would have expected that the announcement of the 4000  Naira came along with the justification for it, then it will be easy to objectively discuss this
AKINOV -If you were to be given the role of a chess administrator today, what would you do to promote chess in Nigeria to make it a better sport?
LABAKE-Hmmm... big question. but I would not like to comment on this because I honestly do not know the workings within the NCF. But, if I had the power, I would love to promote chess awareness in Nigeria
AKINOV- What is the role of Politics in chess and should chess and politics  mix?
LABAKE-Chess is a game for intellectuals. Politics is a game for the not-so-bright. In politics, you can fool the people and get away with it. But chessplayers will see through you, you the politician becomes the fool. So, it's best to simply handle chess administratively, not politically. My take
AKINOV-What do you think about Female chess in Nigeria at present and what advice do you have for the Female players?
LABAKE-Chess as a game should not be about the money, it's more of passion. The money finishes, the fun lasts longer. Learn new things with every single game, and be more interested in shaking hands than in the scores at the end of the day
AKINOV-What is the best way of making chess more appealing to non-chess players and the public in general?
LABAKE-Chess in schools! Simple
AKINOV- Would you want your kids to play chess?
        LABAKE- Absolutely

on the behalf of the Akinov
chess/ I would like to thank you for answering all these
LABAKE- Thank you !

Labake in Tromso Norway
Labake with Team Nigeria mates at the World Chess Olympiads

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Comments :

3 comments to “Special Interview With reigning Nigerian Female National Chess Champion Omolabake Coker”

The Nigerian 'Chess Industry has got great marketing potentials..... Nigeria got talents

Admin said...

I agree with you Labake, absolutely. Nice one guys.

Unknown said...

Many thanks @ Black Knight

Admin said...