The story Behind the picture above, showing former president Olusegun Obasanjo embracing former minister Oby Ezekwesili from behind while whispering some things into her ear at the former's book launch yesterday , The pose above while Baba Iyabo having words of greetings his former minister did not go down well with some people who believe there was something morally wrong with the closeness exhibited by the ex-President and the Formal Minister , this was expressed on the 'Hope for Nigeria ' Group Page on Facebook - screen shot posted above .Oby Ezekwesili responded swiftly on twitter (screen shot above) the gist of her tweet was that the moral compass of the society at large has go some problems and thus the minds of the average citizens tends to read wrong meanings to innocuous gestures in the society , she made use of the expression 'IMPURE MINDS' another way of saying 'DIRTY MINDS' seems the mind of the average citizen is filled with dirt and distrusts , when you see two female friends getting really close even in innocent holding of hands which was no big deal in the past, the word LESBIANISM ready comes to the dirty mind or the impure mind as madam Oby called it a lot of other things has truly gone wrong as far as dirty minded people are concerned........ no back to the picture above, is there anything really wrong with Obasanjo's Boisterous embrase of Madame Oby while engaging her in a Verbal intercourse in Whispers
What do you think about the picture? Impure minds ....... LOL
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