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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Interview with Folayan Adebayo Winner of the 2016 Edition of the CPAN CHEVRON CHESS CLASSIC 2016 (OPEN CATEGORY)

Today i have Mr. FOLAYAN ADEBAYO AKA Boyo Bounty  with us , he was the winner of the under 2000 category at the 2016 Edition of the CPAN CHEVRON CHESS CLASSIC 2016 OPEN, an open event which also featured many of Nigeria's best master players , Mr Adebayo was unrated in that event but defeated five players rated far above 2000 ELO  and only missed a win against FM Bomo Kigigha in a close contest.he had 5.5 out of a possible 7 points in a very strong field placing him above many established master players , he came 4th-7th overall out of 87 players thus giving him the  clear first position in the unrated band.  The rationale behind this interview is to enable my Adebayo reveal to other unrated and upcoming players the trick behind breaking even even at the master level.

When did you start playing the game of chess?
Since my secondary school days about 10years ago
Your performance in the last CPAN Chveron Chess classics was very impressive especially playing against top master players and having a very good score 5 and 5.5 points ( respectively) how did you feel after the event sheer luck or hard work as an unrated player performing very well against many rated opponents?
My feelings after the event; let me say alot of hardworking and a little bit of luck too.
 What about your most memorable  moments at C4 event  2016??
 My memorable moment that keeps ringing in my head is the winning move I missed in round 3 against Nigeria no 1 FM Kigigha Bomo on move 31.. Nd3 instead of f6.. I eventually lost..

who was your chess idol/mentor? In Nigeria and also generally?
 My Nigerian chess mentor is Adebayo Adegboyega (small bee) but generally my chess idol is Robert Bobby Fischer, they are both geniuses.
Other upcoming players would like to know what to do to make a breakthrough against master players like you just did what advise do you have for them?
 Just be prepared and be fearless.
How do you prepare for chess tournaments (Choice of opening/
training ETC)?
They should take more time on middle-games and endgames preparations, but should restrict their openings preparations to few lines mostly sound openings played by Nigerian masters
Do you solve Chess puzzles in training if yes how has this improved your game?
Yes I do solve alot of puzzles daily. It sharpens one chess vision and intuition.
How often do you practice chess/train?
Do you play chess online?
 Yes I do play online but few times
How many moves can you calculate ahead?
yes I analyses my own games very often. It helps me to know myself.
How often do you analyze your own games?

 Moves calculated ahead depends on the position and the strength remaining ooo but roughly 4 to 7 moves ahead.

Player info

Starting rank65
Rating national0
Rating international0
Performance rating2200

41927EDET UDEME2104NGR2,5w 1
What do you feel is the effect of much time dedicated to playing Blitz on a chess player , what percentage of your training time do you dedicate to Blitz?
 Very low percent about 5%

Do you think Blitz is in anyway harmful to improvement in Chess?
• Yes i think its harmful to chess
• I feel much time dedicated to blitz is not good for chess

What kind of chess books do you read ( any favourite book )?
mostly positional and strategy chess teaching books (Think like a grandmaster vol 1-3 by kotov)
What gave you the edge over other  unrated players in the tournament (C4)?
I think i was calmer and i really work on my nerves also a little luck
What do you suggest to other unrated players who wish to make the kind of impression  you made at C4 )2016) training… aprroach ETC ?
my suggestions to others is to work more on their middle and endgames, try to solve as much puzzles as you can and you must know yourself.... On chess board  take your time be calmer, try to control your nerves.I believe that is the major secret to cope and make it at master level.
So far we do not have any report of computer cheating in Nigerian chess, do you think players do this and what are your suggestions to prevent this in our sport?  I don't think Nigerian chess do computer cheating but not withstanding tougher penalty should be placed on anyone caught in the act.
When paired against a strong master player like FM Bomo or any other known master player , what goes on in your head and how do you approach the game?when paired against strong master players I told myself not to worry about their ratings, I tried to concentrate on what is happening on board and lastly i tried to play into what i understand.
What is your expected Initial FIDE rating when C4 tournament gets FIDE Sanctioned (rated) ?
My expected initial fide rating should be 2212 when c4 get rated.
What is your favourite leisure activities, aside chess? watching movies and football, reading and listening to music
The Nigerian Chess federation has selected the top five players in Nigeria on the FIDE rating list to represent Nigeria at the next olympiads , what do you think about this method of selection, Is Nigeria ripe for this?
                                                 cool, calm and collected!

I think top rated selection is the best method but Nigeria is not yet ripe for it because we only have few rated tournaments in the country presently....
What next from here?
I will like to play more international tournaments, improve on my ratings and bag more titles !!!

Thank you very much Mr Akinov, we appreciate your efforts towards promoting chess in Nigeria and I pray God will continue to bless you
 you are welcome.  CM Akinov


Last update 29.05.2016 21:40:39, Creator/Last Upload: afrochess
ParametersShow tournament detailsLink with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rankAlphabetical list of playersStatisticsPlaying schedule
Final Ranking after 7 RoundsFinal Ranking crosstable after 7 RoundsStarting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1Rd.2Rd.3Rd.4Rd.5Rd.6Rd.7/7 , not paired
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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12IMADU OLADAPONGR23146,032,523,527,25
21FMKIGIGHA BOMONGR23486,029,020,526,00
317CMCAMPBELL CHARLESNGR21446,027,520,022,50
45IMAIKHOJE ODIONNGR22535,533,523,524,75
516OLANREWAJU AJIBOLANGR21495,532,523,523,75
631LAPITE OLUWADUROTIMINGR20435,527,519,519,75
765FOLAYAN ADEBAYONGR05,525,517,518,50
876ONAKOYA TUNDENGR05,032,022,520,50
970OGODOGBO KINGSLEYNGR05,029,521,520,00
1058BIOLA EDWARDNGR05,026,519,017,50
1152AKAGHA TOCHUKWUNGR05,024,517,016,00

Comments :

2 comments to “Interview with Folayan Adebayo Winner of the 2016 Edition of the CPAN CHEVRON CHESS CLASSIC 2016 (OPEN CATEGORY) ”

Thumbs up Boyo....You always had it in you...Climb higher!!!

Unknown said...

Thumb padi ....I'm proud of you

Unknown said...