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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to play Chess on Facebook messenger/Chat


 Playing Chess using Facebook Chat just got better , gone are the days when a friend would suggest we play chess on Facebook by manually putting in the moves without seeing a board almost like it is blind fold chess, now Facebook has enabled users to play chess on FB messenger on a computer or on a Smart phone by using special commands that is very easy tho learn.
STEP ONE -   Start a conversation in Facebook Messenger  when you wish to start a game you enter "@fbchess play" to begin a game of chess between yourself and the person you are  chatting with .
STEP TWO - Depending on who is on the  white or Black (side)To move your pieces, you will need to be familiar with the commands used to  move the pieces/Chess men and the squares you want to move the Chess men to.  for example @fbchess e4 to move the pawn in front of the king to e4 square @fbchess Nf3 to play whites Knight to the f3 square , @fbchess Nxe5 to capture a piece on square e5 with your knight or @fbchess Bxe5 in the case of a Bishop , @fbchess 0-0  to Castle , @fbchess Draw to offer or claim draw , @fbchess undo to request a takeback , @fbchess Resign to Resign in a Game.
K is for king, Q for queen, B for bishop, N for knight, R for rook and P is for pawn.
If you are not sure of what to do you can always enter "@fbchess help" in the conversation's text field. the list of commands and instructions will then show up. thus -

Start game with random colors: @fbchess play
  Pick the colors: @fbchess play white/black
  Pick the opponent: @fbchess play white John
Make a move: use Standard Algebraic Notation
  @fbchess e4 or @fbchess Pe4 moves pawn to e4
  Nbd2 to move knight from b-file to d2
  B2xc5 to take on c5 with 2nd rank bishop
  e8=Q to promote pawn to queen
  0-0-0 or O-O to castle
Claim draw (e.g. 3-fold repetition): @fbchess draw claim
Offer a draw in the current position: @fbchess draw offer
Offer an undo of the last move: @fbchess undo
Resign: @fbchess resign
Show current position: @fbchess show
Show stats between current players: @fbchess stats
Continue a game from another conversation: @fbchess continue
  From 1:1 conversation, @fbchess continue with [friend]
  From group chat, @fbchess continue from [thread name]

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