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Friday, February 27, 2015

2015 ZONE 4.4 Individual Championships (Updated) March 13th – 22nd March 2015

The 2015 ZONE 4.4 Individual Chess Championships  scheduled to hold between March 13th – 22nd March 2015 has been announced by the Host , The Togolese Chess federation
Under the auspices of the African Chess Confederation, the Togo Chess
Federation has the honor of inviting Zone 4.4 Federations affiliated to the World
Chess Federation (FIDE) to participate in the 2015 Zonal Chess Championships.
1. 2015 Zone 4.4 Chess Championships
Under the auspices of the African Chess Confederation (ACC), the Togo Chess Federation
(FTDE) has the honor of inviting all chess federations in Zone 4.4 that are affiliated to the
World Chess Federation (FIDE) to participate in the 2015 Zone 4.4 Individual Chess
The event will comprise an Open Section and a Women’s Section.
The Championships will be held from 13th March, 2015 (arrival) to 22nd March, 2015
(departure) at Novela Star Hotel on the beach of Atlantic Ocean in Lome, capital of Togo.
2. Participants
In accordance with FIDE regulations, the Zone 4.4 Individual Championships are open to all
players from federations within the Zone 4.4 region which are affiliated to FIDE.
Federations will be allowed to enter a maximum of five (5) players in each category.
The host federation reserves the right to field up to seven (7) players in each category and also
hold a player in reserve; that can be registered in the event that there are an odd number of
Subject to agreement with the organizers, the Continental President may allow additional
participants for the tournament.
3. Tournament Regulations
It is intended that the Championships will be played in accordance with FIDE regulations as
a 9 Round Swiss System tournament.
Time control will be 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of
the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one (1).
The games will be played using DGT clocks; and pairing will be published on

Swiss Manager will be used for the Championship, and players from the same Federation
will not be paired together in the last round.
Draw offers are not allowed before Black’s 30th move.
4. Tie-Break
In case of a tie for the overall winner or other places, the tie will be broken as follows:
a) By the results between the players involved in the tie
b) Buchholz, the highest number wins;
c) Number of wins, the highest number wins;
d) Number of wins by black, the highest wins
e) The highest rating 
5. Title Awards
The winner in the Open Section will be awarded International Master (IM) title whilst the winner
in the Women’s Section will be awarded the Woman International Master (WIM) title.
 Other titles will be awarded in accordance with FIDE title requirements. 
6. Prizes
Winner: US$ 1,000
Second Place: US$ 750
Third Place: US$ 500
Winner: US$ 600
Second Place: US$ 400
Third Place: US$ 200
7. Qualification for 2015 FIDE World Cup
The 2015 Zone 4.4 Championships is a qualification event for FIDE World Cup 2015.
The Winner in the Open Section will qualify for the 2015 FIDE World Cup in Baku.
8. Tournament Schedule
The tournament schedule is as follows but subject to some changes if need be. However any
change to the schedule will be communicated during the Technical Meeting before the start
of 1st round. 
13th March, Friday       Arrival Technical Meeting Opening Ceremony
14th March, Saturday     1 st Round 2 nd Round
15th March                      3rd Round
16th March                      4th Round
17th March                      5th Round
18th March                      6th Round 
19th March                       7th Round
20th March                        8th Round
21st March                        9th Round & Closing Ceremony
22nd March                        Departure 

9. Chief Arbiter & Appeals Committee
The Chief Arbiter for the 2014 Zone 4.4 Chess Championships will be appointed by the ACC

The Appeals Committee will consist of 3 members and 2 reserves chosen from among the
participating Federations.
Protests should be submitted in writing to the Chief Arbiter within two hours (2 hours) after the
end of the round in question, with a US $100 deposit. The deposit is refundable, if the appeal is
10. Board and Lodging
All players, officials and accompanying persons from participating federations will lodge at
Euros 60 per person per day (sharing) or Euros 75 per person per day (single room). This
cost includes 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and supper).
All payments related to board and lodging must be effected before the 3rd March 2015,
which will be the deadline, or upon arrival (after confirming with the organizers).
Players, officials and accompanying persons who arrive before the 13th March 2015 or depart
after 22nd March 2015 will be expected to arrange their own accommodation for the extra
days or pay for the additional days at the tournament lodging venue, Novela Star Hotel.
Participating Federations will receive free board and lodging for one player in each category.
Important note: all payments must be made to the account of the Togo Chess Federation as
indicated in item 11. Bank Details or upon arrival subject to a specific request to the
Organizers. If payments are not received before the start of the competition, players will not
be allowed to participate in the tournament
9. FIDE Fees
In accordance with FIDE regulations an entry fee of 70 Euros is required for each player.
Federations are expected to pay entry fees for all their players and the fees must be paid
directly to FIDE. Players whose fees will not have been paid will not be allowed to
participate to the tournament.
10. Registration Fees:
The Registration Fee for each participating player is 100 Euros and must be paid into Togo
Chess Federation account before 3
rd March 2015.
Payments may also be made upon arrival; provided a request is made to the Organizers.
Players whose fees remain unpaid at the start of the Technical Meeting will not be allowed to
participate to the tournament.
Only Federations can register players.
The Registration Fee for each official and each accompanying person will be 100 Euros.
No refunds will be made for any player, official or accompanying person who fails to make it
to the Tournament after paying registration or FIDE fees.
Registration Forms for entries are attached herein; Federation officials must fill them in and
return them to the designated Togo Chess Federation officials on or before 3
rd March 2015
by e-mail to confirm entry.
All registered players, officials and accompanying persons are entitled to:-
- Free Transfer (to and from) Lome International Airport on arrival and departure.
- Shuttle to various places in the city depending on the Shuttle schedule. 4
11. Bank Details
 Branch Name : Agence Rond-Point Port
 Branch Number : TG 055
 Account Number : 7100141417719901
 IBAN: TG055 0171014141771990103
(For all payments do send proof of payment, with reference of Zone 4.4, your Federation name
and names of players, officials and accompanying persons being registered)
12. Travel Arrangements
All traveling arrangements and costs to and from Lome International Airport are to be taken
care of by respective Federations or respective players participating in the tournament.
Organizers will meet participants and accompanying persons at Lome International Airport
provided that full itinerary for each participant and their accompanying persons are
communicated to the organizer in advance, (not later than 9th March 2015).
13. Visas
All visas will be issued upon arrival. We will avail an official invitation that you must bring
14. Local Currency
The local currency is CFA Franc. Fixed Exchange Rate is 1 Euro for 655 CFA Francs.
15. Deadline
Entry forms must be filled by the respective Federation and returned to the host federation
not later than 3
rd March 2015. This date is the registration deadline.
Late registration attracts a penalty charge of 50 Euros. The host Federation will thereafter
reserve the right to accept or reject any player.
Players who arrive unannounced will cover all their costs.
16. Organizers Contacts
President, Togo Chess Federation: Mr. Frederic Mawuvi Koue KOUEVI
Tel. +228 90043148
E – mail:
Official Email for Togo Chess Federation:
Tel. +228 22566200
General Secretary: Mr. Enyonam Sewa FUMEY
Tel. +228 90130628
E-mail: 5

17. Zone 4.4 Countries
Countries affiliated to FIDE Zone 4.4 are:

11. TOGO
We look forward to hosting all of you in our beautiful capital, Lome for a feast of exciting chess games.
Yours Sincerely,
Frederic Mawuvi Koue KOUEVI

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Text Of Buhari's Speech At Chatham House, London «

"Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa: Nigeria’s Transition" - By General Muhammadu Buhari
Chatham House, London, 26 February 2015

Permit me to start by thanking Chatham House for the invitation to talk about this important topic at this crucial time. The 2015 general election in Nigeria is generating a lot of interests within and outside the country. This is understandable. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and largest economy, is at a defining moment, a moment that has great implications beyond the democratic project and beyond the borders of my dear country.

So let me say upfront that the global interest in Nigeria’s landmark election is not misplaced at all and indeed should be commended, for this is an election that has serious import for the world. I urge the international community to continue to focus on Nigeria at this very critical moment. Given increasing global linkages, it is in our collective interests that the postponed elections should hold on the rescheduled dates, that they should be free and fair, that their outcomes should be respected by all parties, and that any form of extension, under whichever guise, is unconstitutional and would not be tolerated.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, democracy became the dominant and most preferred system of government across the globe. That global transition has been aptly captured as the triumph of democracy and the ‘most pre-eminent political idea of our time.’ On a personal note, the phased end of the USSR was a turning point for me. If you will, that was my own road to Damascus experience. It convinced me that change can be brought about without firing a single shot. As you all know, I had been a military head of state in Nigeria for twenty months. We intervened because we were unhappy with the state of affairs in our country.

We wanted to arrest the drift. Driven by patriotism, influenced by the prevalence and popularity of such drastic measures all over Africa and elsewhere, we fought our way to power. But the global triumph of democracy has shown that another, and a preferable, path to change is possible. It is an important lesson I have carried with me since, and a lesson that is not lost on the African continent.

In the last two decades, democracy has grown strong roots in Africa. Elections, once so rare, are now so commonplace. As at the time I was a military head of state between 1983 and 1985, only four African countries held regular multi-party elections. But the number of electoral democracies in Africa, according to Freedom House, jumped to 10 in 1992/1993 then to 18 in 1994/1995 and to 24 in 2005/2006.

According to the New York Times, 42 of the 48 countries in Sub-Sahara Africa conducted multi-party elections between 1990 and 2002. The newspaper also reported that between 2000 and 2002, ruling parties in four African countries (Senegal, Mauritius, Ghana and Mali) peacefully handed over power to victorious opposition parties. In addition, the proportion of African countries categorized as not free by Freedom House declined from 59% in 1983 to 35% in 2003. Without doubt, Africa has been part of the current global wave of democratisation.

But the growth of democracy on the continent has been uneven. According to Freedom House, the number of electoral democracies in Africa slipped from 24 in 2007/2008 to 19 in 2011/2012; while the percentage of countries categorised as ‘not free’ increased from 35% in 2003 to 41% in 2013. Also, there have been some reversals at different times in Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritania and Togo.

While we can choose to look at the glass of democracy in Africa as either half full or half empty. While you can’t have representative democracy without elections, it is equally important to look at the quality of the elections and to remember that mere elections do not democracy make. It is globally agreed that democracy is not an event, but a journey. And that the destination of that journey is democratic consolidation—that state where democracy has become so rooted and so routine and widely accepted by all actors.

With this important destination in mind, it is clear that though many African countries now hold regular elections, very few of them have consolidated the practice of democracy. It is important to also state at this point that just as with elections, a consolidated democracy cannot be an end by itself. I will argue that it is not enough to hold series of elections or even to peacefully alternate power among parties.

It is much more important that the promise of democracy goes beyond just allowing people to freely choose their leaders. It is much more important that democracy should deliver on the promise of choice, of freedoms, of security of lives and property, of transparency and accountability, of rule of law, of good governance and of shared prosperity. It is very important that the promise embedded in the concept of democracy, the promise of a better life for the generality of the people, is not delivered in the breach.

Now, let me quickly turn to Nigeria. As you all know, Nigeria’s fourth republic is in its 16th year and this general election will be the fifth in a row. This is a major sign of progress for us, given that our first republic lasted five years and three months, the second republic ended after four years and two months and the third republic was a still-birth. However, longevity is not the only reason why everyone is so interested in this election.

The major difference this time around is that for the very first time since transition to civil rule in 1999, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is facing its stiffest opposition so far from our party the All Progressives Congress (APC). We once had about 50 political parties, but with no real competition. Now Nigeria is transiting from a dominant party system to a competitive electoral polity, which is a major marker on the road to democratic consolidation. As you know, peaceful alternation of power through competitive elections have happened in Ghana, Senegal, Malawi and Mauritius in recent times.

The prospects of democratic consolidation in Africa will be further brightened when that eventually happens in Nigeria.

But there are other reasons why Nigerians and the whole world are intensely focussed on this year’s elections, chief of which is that the elections are holding in the shadow of huge security, economic and social uncertainties in Africa’s most populous country and largest economy.

On insecurity, there is a genuine cause for worry, both within and outside Nigeria. Apart from the civil war era, at no other time in our history has Nigeria been this insecure. Boko Haram has sadly put Nigeria on the terrorism map, killing more than 13,000 of our nationals, displacing millions internally and externally, and at a time holding on to portions of our territory the size of Belgium. What has been consistently lacking is the required leadership in our battle against insurgency.

I, as a retired general and a former head of state, have always known about our soldiers: they are capable, well trained, patriotic, brave and always ready to do their duty in the service of our country. You all can bear witness to the gallant role of our military in Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Darfur and in many other peacekeeping operations in several parts of the world. But in the matter of this insurgency, our soldiers have neither received the necessary support nor the required incentives to tackle this problem. The government has also failed in any effort towards a multi-dimensional response to this problem leading to a situation in which we have now become dependent on our neighbours coming to our rescue.

Let me assure you that if I am elected president, the world will have no cause to worry about Nigeria as it has had to recently, that Nigeria will return to its stabilising role in West Africa, and that no inch of Nigerian territory will ever be lost to the enemy because we will pay special attention to the welfare of our soldiers in and out of service, we will give them adequate and modern arms and ammunitions to work with, we will improve intelligence gathering to choke Boko Haram's financial and equipment channels, we will be tough on terrorism and tough on its root causes by initiating a comprehensive economic development plan promoting infrastructural development, job creation, agriculture and industry in the affected areas.

We will always act on time and not allow problems to irresponsibly fester, and I, General Muhammadu Buhari, will always lead from the front and return Nigeria to its leadership role in regional and international efforts to combat terrorism.

On the economy, the fall in prices of oil has brought our economic and social stress into full relief. After the rebasing exercise in April 2014, Nigeria overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy. Our GDP is now valued at $510 billion and our economy rated 26th in the world. Also on the bright side, inflation has been kept at single digit for a while and our economy has grown at an average of 7% for about a decade. But it is more of paper growth, a growth that, on account of mismanagement, profligacy and corruption, has not translated to human development or shared prosperity. A development economist once said three questions should be asked about a country’s development: one, what is happening to poverty? Two, what is happening to unemployment? And three, what is happening to inequality?

The answers to these questions in Nigeria show that the current administration has created two economies in one country, a sorry tale of two nations: one economy for a few who have so much in their tiny island of prosperity; and the other economy for the many who have so little in their vast ocean of misery. Even by official figures, 33.1% of Nigerians live in extreme poverty. That’s at almost 60 million, almost the population of the United Kingdom. There is also the unemployment crisis simmering beneath the surface, ready to explode at the slightest stress, with officially 23.9% of our adult population and almost 60% of our youth unemployed. We also have one of the highest rates of inequalities in the world. With all these, it is not surprising that our performance on most governance and development indicators (like Mo Ibrahim Index on African Governance and UNDP’s Human Development Index.) are unflattering. With fall in the prices of oil, which accounts for more than 70% of government revenues, and lack of savings from more than a decade of oil boom, the poor will be disproportionately impacted.

In the face of dwindling revenues, a good place to start the repositioning of Nigeria's economy is to swiftly tackle two ills that have ballooned under the present administration: waste and corruption. And in doing this, I will, if elected, lead the way, with the force of personal example.

On corruption, there will be no confusion as to where I stand. Corruption will have no place and the corrupt will not be appointed into my administration. First and foremost, we will plug the holes in the budgetary process. Revenue producing entities such as NNPC and Customs and Excise will have one set of books only. Their revenues will be publicly disclosed and regularly audited. The institutions of state dedicated to fighting corruption will be given independence and prosecutorial authority without political interference. But I must emphasise that any war waged on corruption should not be misconstrued as settling old scores or a witch-hunt. I'm running for President to lead Nigeria to prosperity and not adversity.

In reforming the economy, we will use savings that arise from blocking these leakages and the proceeds recovered from corruption to fund our party’s social investments programmes in education, health, and safety nets such as free school meals for children, emergency public works for unemployed youth and pensions for the elderly. As a progressive party, we must reform our political economy to unleash the pent-up ingenuity and productivity of the Nigerian people thus freeing them from the indignities of poverty.

We will run a private sector-led economy but maintain an active role for government through strong regulatory oversight and deliberate interventions and incentives to diversify the base of our economy, strengthen productive sectors, improve the productive capacities of our people and create jobs for our teeming youths. In short, we will run a functional economy driven by a worldview that sees growth not as an end by itself, but as a tool to create a society that works for all, rich and poor alike. On March 28, Nigeria has a decision to make. To vote for the continuity of failure or to elect progressive change. I believe the people will choose wisely.

In sum, I think that given its strategic importance, Nigeria can trigger a wave of democratic consolidation in Africa. But as a starting point we need to get this critical election right by ensuring that they go ahead and depriving those who want to scuttle it the benefit of derailing our fledgling democracy. That way, we will all see democracy and democratic consolidation as tools for solving pressing problems in a sustainable way, not as ends in themselves.

Permit me to close this discussion on a personal note. I have heard and read references to me as a former dictator in many respected British newspapers including the well regarded Economist. Let me say without sounding defensive that dictatorship goes with military rule, though some might be less dictatorial than others.

I take responsibility for whatever happened under my watch. I cannot change the past. But I can change the present and the future. So before you is a former military ruler and a converted democrat who is ready to operate under democratic norms and is subjecting himself to the rigours of democratic elections for the fourth time.

You may ask: why is he doing this? This is a question I ask myself all the time too. And here is my humble answer: because the work of making Nigeria great is not yet done, because I still believe that change is possible, this time through the ballot, and most importantly, because I still have the capacity and the passion to dream and work for a Nigeria that will be respected again in the comity of nations and that all Nigerians will be proud of.

I thank you for listening.

Banky. W mocks Arsenal goal keeper after loss to Monaco in UEFA Champions league

Nigerian singer Banky W posted this on Twitter mocking Arsenal Football club of England's goal Keeper after Arsenal lost to Monaco FC of France in the first leg of the UEFA Champions league 2015.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bank Verification Number for Nigerians based abroad

 Bank customers living outside Nigeria would have to come back to the country to enroll if they must get the compulsory Bank Verification Number  to enable them transact business in Nigerian Banks as Directed by the Central Bank of Nigeria, If a Bank Customer does not have a BVN on or before 25th of June 2015 he will not be allowed to transact business as a customer in Nigerian Banks.This i find very odd and i believe this will be very difficult or even impossible for Nigerians living in the diaspora who have bank accounts in Nigerian banks. with the estimate of over five (5) million Nigerians living outside the country i am of the strong opinion that those who are customers of Nigerian banks ought to be given an easier mode of getting the BVN number and should not have to travel all the way to Nigeria to enroll for it.
  The Big Nigerian Banks have subsidiaries/Branches in Major cities all over the globe and could make provisions for the enrollment for the BVN to make it easier for Nigerians living abroad ,Note-  once you are registered and given BVN number in one bank you do not need to enroll for another in all other banks where you transact business.
   For example First Bank of  Nigeria has offshore subsidiaries in  London,United Kingdom, Paris- France and representative offices in China and South Africa, Check the First diaspora website for more information , Guarantee Trust Bank GTBank, too has Subsidiaries too  in the United Kingdom, Nederlands, Seria Leone , Gambia and Ghana.
  There should be  an easier way fashoined out by the Central Bank of Nigeria for Nigerians living abroad who are Bank customers with Nigerian Banks to enroll and obtain the Bank verification Number (BVN) without having to travel all the way to nigeria to do so.
 To know more about BVN please check our previous article  click on ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BANK VERIFICATION NUMBER    please feel free to comment on this issue.  cheers.

All you need to know about Bank Verification Number (Nigeria)

 The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in conjunction with the Bankers Committee has launched the Biometric Identification Project to provide a single biometric database for all banks’ customers nationwide. Part of the requirements within this initiative is that customers enroll with their banks to get their unique Bank Verification Numbers (BVN), without which customers will not be able to transact in any bank after the  deadline as announced by CBN on or before June 30, 2015.
  Here is why you should get your Bank Verification Number (BVN)
Sercurity - Protects your account from unauthorized access via identity theft and fraud in general
Speed- fast track services at the Bank when you transact business with your BVN
Ease- Easy and acceptable means of identification across all banks in Nigeria.
With the increasing incidents of compromise on conventional security systems (password and PIN), there is a high demand for greater security on access to sensitive or personal information in the Banking system.
The BVN gives each Bank customer a unique identity across the Nigerian Banking industry that can be used for easy identification and verification at Point of Banking operations.
Biometrics refers to identification of an individual based on physiological attributes- fingerprint, voice, facial features etc. To address existing challenges with identity management, the Central Bank of Nigeria, in collaboration with all Nigerian banks launched a centralized biometric identification system tagged Bank Verification Number (BVN)

A unique ID number shall be issued to every Bank customer at enrolment and linked to every account that the customer has in ALL Nigerian Banks.
Individuals shall be required to submit an acceptable means of identification as prescribed for enrolment.
Customers of banks shall be required to enroll within a fixed period after which they shall no longer be able to operate their Bank accounts
Capturing of all ten (10) fingers and facial image will be adopted
For authentication purposes, individuals performing banking transactions (e.g applying for loans) shall be required to identify themselves using their biometric features which will be matched against information in the central database.
Update of customer information shall be done at their Bank Branches physically.
Banks shall be prompted during account opening and credit check if a customer has been blacklisted by ANY Nigerian Bank.
The BVN and unique features of an individual shall be used in conjunction with a PIN on a point of transaction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below are some Commonly Asked Questions about the BVN Project.

Question 1: What is a BVN?
Answer: BVN means Bank Verification Number
Question 2: What is the Goal of the Bank Verification Number?
Answer: The goal of the Bank Verification Number (BVN) is to uniquely verify the identity of
each Bank’s customer for ‘know your customer’ (KYC) purposes.
Question 3: What is Enrolment?
Answer: Enrolment is the process of capturing a customer’s details which includes
fingerprint and facial image after which a BVN is generated.
Question 4: How does a Customer get a BVN?
Answer: A customer enrolls at any branch of a bank where he/she has an account or intends
to open an account.
Question 5: Must every customer have a BVN, is it Compulsory?
Answer: Yes it is.
Question 6: How long does it take to get a BVN?
Answer: It takes up to 24hrs after Enrolment to get a BVN.
Question 7: What is the Benefit of enrolling for a BVN?
Answer: The BVN helps to reduce fraud, increase the efficiency of banking operations and
also enable customer access to future credit facilities.
Question 8: How is the BVN communicated to the customer?
Answer: Once the BVN is generated, the bank would inform you of your BVN. All customers
would receive SMS alerts.
Question 9: If a customer forgets his/her BVN what should the customer do?
Answer: The customer should contact his/her bank where the enrolment was carried out, to
retrieve the number.
Question 10: How/ Where can you update customer information e.g. in case of change of
Answer: The customer goes to his/her bank and follows the bank’s processes for updating
customer information. A customer can update his/her information only at the bank where
he/she has an account
Question 11: Does the BVN change when customers update their record?
Answer: No, the BVN doesn’t change.
Question 12: When does my BVN expire and how do I renew?
Answer: The BVN expires after 10 years. After 10 years of the issuance of the BVN, the
customer goes back to his/her bank to re-enroll.
Question 13: Does my BVN number remain the same for Life?
Answer: Yes it does
Question 14: Can a customer Enrol in one bank and get the BVN from another bank?
Answer: No. The customer can only pick up his/her BVN at any branch of the same Bank
he/she enrolled.
Question 15: If a person steals another customers BVN and comes to the bank what
Answer: The person’s live fingerprint will not match what is stored on the customer’s record.
Question 16: After the BVN has been generated, what next?
Answer: A customer’s identity can now be verified against their BVN.
Question 17: Does a customer have to be physically present to Enrol?
Answer: Yes, because the customer’s physical features e.g. fingerprints have to be captured.
Question 18: What is the Enrolment procedure for corporate accounts?
Answer: Individuals who are signatories to corporate accounts will enroll and their BVNs
would be linked to the corporate account by the Banks.
Question 19: Can minors be Enroled?
Answer: No, only bank-able adults can be enrolled.
Question 20: What is Verification?
Answer: Verification refers to the process of confirming a customer’s identity.
Question 21: What is Offline Verification? Answer: Offline verification will authenticate the customer by comparing the fingerprint or
the facial image with the data stored on the BVN card.
Question 22: What happens if a customer is an amputee?
Answer: The facial features of the customer will be captured as fingerprints will not be
required for Amputees.
Question 23: Will biometric function be implemented on POS and ATM terminals, and if
yes, how will it work?
Answer: It will be implemented at a later stage. More details to come.
Question 24: How would Bank customers Living outside Nigeria Enrol?
Answer: Bank customers living outside Nigeria would have to come back to the country to
Question 25: Who does a customer contact with regards to any biometrics complaint?
Answer: The customer should contact his/her bank.
Question 26: Would a customer have to go to all Banks where he/she has an account to
Answer: No, once a customer is enrolled at one bank and a BVN is generated, the customer
only has to take the BVN to other banks to link such accounts.
Question 27: Are customers’ information secure?
Answer: Yes they are, the details are encrypted and stored in a secure database.
Question 28: Is it possible to start an enrolment and finish later? Can it be saved like a
Answer: No, because the enrolment is done real time, it is necessary that it is completed in
one session.
Question 29: What happens if a customer comes to enroll with bandaged/injured fingers?
Answer: Customers with injuries or bandaged fingers are advised to return for enrolment
once fingers are healed. However if you require special exemption please contact your Bank.
Question 30: What happens to individuals that cannot write or are illiterates. How do they
fill the enrolment form?
Answer: A customer service officer will assist the customer in filling the enrolment form.
Question 31: Can a customer choose which of his/her accounts will be linked to the BVN?
Answer: No, a customer cannot, all accounts would be linked.
Question 32: During Facial capture can a customer leave his/her glasses on?
Answer: No a customer cannot leave his/her glasses on during facial capture.
Question 33: What is the basic identification needed for enrolment?
Answer: It depends on the level of account the customer wants to open. Please contact
your bank.
Question 34: For joint accounts how does the linking work?
Answer: All signatories of the accounts shall be linked.
Question 35: If a customer doesn’t have a means of identification can the customer’s data
still be captured?
Answer: Yes, please refer to question 33
Question 36: Are there Terms and Conditions to be agreed to by a customer before giving
out his/her details?
Answer: Yes there are Agreement clauses at the end of the enrolment forms.
Question 37: After a customer has enrolled and collected his/her BVN, Would the
customer still be required to provide another means of identification at the point of
Answer: No, a formal identification is not needed because verification is done at the point of
Question 38: Since I am a Bank customer and the Bank already has my information, do I
have to fill an enrolment form?
Answer: Yes, everybody fills a form irrespective of an existing account holder.
Question 39: Is there a deadline for every bank customer to be enrolled?
Answer: Yes, CBN will announce a deadline shortly.


  • Walk into any branch of your Bank
  • Fill and submit the BVN Enrolment form.
  • Present yourself for data capturing (such as Fingerprint, facial Image etc)
  • An acknowledgment slip with the transaction ID is issued to you
  • Within 24hours the system confirms your application, your BVN is generated, and you receive an SMS for pickup.

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