Millionaire at 29 . That is 5 Years too late.........Fast is an attitude, We know the pace you set for your self, that is why we set our internet speed to challenge that, so that you never have to slow down even for a moment. 3.75g in all states of Nigeria. sped up to 42 mpbs !!
so what could be offensive about this advert? personally i do not think there is anything wrong with it, but trust the typical 'Naija' mind some think Airtel Nigeria is targeting the Yahoo boys (internet Fraudsters) in this advert telling them if they use (AIRTEL) Internet Data service they will Hammer before age 24 , and if they use internet sevices by MTN, GLO and others , e fit take 5 years for dem slow internet to send one mail to MAGA o. it might take five extra years to dupe their a victim successfully LOL !!
To be candid it seems logical to ask how does one link Faster internet speed to becoming a millionaire at the age of 24 years old to the typical Nigerian youth?? which is the average age of Graduates / youth corpers in Nigeria, painting the typical Nigerian youth as fraudsters? are they trying to secretly say they know how the mind of the typical Nigerian youth works and therefore appealing to that evil mind of theirs? think about it! Please what is your opinion on this, thinking along that line is the advert offensive or not?